metamask chrome extension | steps are as follows

You will see your extensions under this icon. Clicking on it will bring down the dropdown where you can pin your MetaMask extension:

How do I log out of (lock) my wallet?

Updated 7 months agoShareFollowNot yet followed by anyone

Remember: MetaMask isn't like a traditional website, where you're logging in to a remote server. Rather, MetaMask stores your Secret Recovery Phrase, private keys, and a certain amount of information about how you use MetaMask (the 'state logs') on your local device, so that whenever you want to carry out an operation on a blockchain, your SRP and private keys are ready to be used.

In this sense, you don't log out of MetaMask, but you can lock the application, so that you'll have to re-enter your password or biometrics to log back in.

Last updated